
Within CROCODILE public authorities, road administrations and traffic information service providers of in total 13 European Member States are committed to set up and operate a data exchange infrastructure based on DATEX II. That infrastructure will be used to exchange data and information between all involved stakeholders, including private partners, with the goal to provide harmonised cross-border traveller information services along the whole corridor. A specific focus within CROCODILE will be on safety-related and truck parking information services.

The CROCODILE corridor project succeeds the previous projects EasyWay and EasyWay 2. CROCODILE involves the Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries to ensure data exchange and service provision along three main road corridors: Baltic – Adriatic, Rhine – Danube, Orient-East-Med.

Currently, the objectives of the CROCODILE project are continued through the CROCODILE 2 Project, which is funded through the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF).

We were responsible within the project for:

  • Upgrade of traffic and road condition information services to the end users on Romanian road network with cross border data exchange
  • Service definition between Romania and Hungary
  • National workshop

For more information click here.

Project year
11 2014